After obtaining my B.F.A. in visual communications, I went on to complete an M.A. in interaction design. It was there that I began exploring the interaction between technology and design.

These explorations examined what it meant to interface with the world, virtual and physical. We’re all fairly familiar with using screens to interact with digital content but there is more out there. As new technologies emerge or older ones become more accessible, there is a unique opportunity to redefine the next stage in interaction.



Do spaces need to defined by a singular function?

Shifuto is a parametric furniture system that uses modules with a small storage footprint to create spaces that evolve with the users need.



How can users connect better with the data that surrounds them?

Luto a virtual organism that reacts to the air quality and illustrates how abstract numbers can impact us.



How can the relationship between math and image be taught in an engaging way?

The Spiro-Sketch invites people to play with dials and explore what kind of abstract imagery they can create.



Why should nature have to compete with technology?

Wayfinder is a smart orientation system that uses gps and vibration to supplement your natural sense of direction rather than replace it.